May 10, 2023
While many people tend to think of purchasing cosmetics and unique Japanese KitKat flavors when visiting Japan, it's worth considering buying outdoor gear as well. These products boast strong Japanese craftsmanship and are just as impressive as other popular items.
About MontBell
Whenever I am in need of outdoor gear, MontBell is my preferred destination. With more than 40 years of experience, they have perfected the art of producing high-quality gear that is both lightweight and durable, while still being affordable. They are also convenient to find with with over 100 locations all across Japan.
Although not all of their products are top-notch (I'm talking to you, shoes), MontBell is well-known for their high-quality rainwear and sleeping bags. These items are specifically engineered to endure Japan's humid climate and are designed to be lightweight and portable, making them ideal for backpacking.
I highly recommend the following three items from MontBell to add to your gear collection:
Storm Cruiser Jackets (25,000 yen ~)
Storm Cruiser Jackets are the staple product of MontBell. Crafted with high-quality materials such as Gore-Tex and ballistic nylon, this jacket is not only lightweight but also exceptionally durable. What sets it apart is its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions while providing a comfortable fit.
For instance, they have invented something called K-MONO CUT, where the jacket is cut from a single piece of fabric, eliminating seam lines that can allow water to penetrate. This innovative pattern makes the jacket both lightweight and durable.
As harsh weather conditions often mean sacrificing comfort, finding a balance between functionality and comfort can be difficult. MontBell's Storm Cruiser Jackets strike the perfect balance.
Down Hugger 900 Sleeping Bags (40,000 yen ~)
The Down Hugger 900 sleeping bags are designed to be lightweight, easy to pack and warm, with a down-like synthetic fiber, making it perfect for hikers who want to travel light and its compact size allow for easy storage in backpacks. Compact and easy-to-carry sleeping bags can be comfortable too. The Down Hugger 900 uses bias cutting to improve interior space and elastic stitches to create a better contour for your body position, keeping the 900 fill goose down closer to your body and eliminating drafty spaces.
However, it's important to note that Japan's climate is not as extreme as Canada or Norway, so even the warmest sleeping bag is designed to withstand temperatures of up to -9 degrees Celsius.
Make sure to look for the 900FP model as they are the most lightweight and compact option.
The weight varies between 450-600g for summer use and 600-800g for winter use.
Moonlight Tents (35,000 yen ~)
Moonlight tent lives up to its name as it can be set up easily in the moonlight. The tent boasts excellent water resistance and breathability, making it ideal for rainy weather conditions.
To be honest, I included this item simply to make it a set of three, and it makes sense to have a tent to accompany a sleeping bag. Still, it's nonetheless a good piece of Japanese technology.
Weight: 1.5kg
So you should visit MontBell store and look for those gear before you start your adventure in Japan. Even if you're not planning to engage in outdoor activities while in Japan, I strongly recommend their products for your future outdoor expeditions in your home country. Enjoy the great outdoors!